Work With Me 1:1

To Achieve Your Goals


This program is for you if you're:

A man over the age of 23, located in the US, Canada, UK, EU or Australia

  • That wants to build a strong foundation of fitness and nutrition

  • Is willing to put in the work, communicate frequently, and will trust the process of building the knowledge needed to make lasting lifestyle changes.

  • Is open minded, coachable, and eager to participate and learn

Apply For 1:1 Coaching

Add Facebook or LinkedIn URL if you don't have Instagram

What are your TOP fitness goals you want to achieve in the next 6 months by working with me? Don't worry if they seem unattainable - I want to hear all about the IDEAL, 2.0 version of yourself:

Some ideas: How do you want to feel? What does your reflection in the mirror look like at the end of the next 6-12 months? What impact would achieving your goal have on other areas of your life? (Work, social interactions, finances, relationships, etc.)

Please be as SPECIFIC as possible.

What have you already done or what are you currently doing to try to achieve these goals? (The more info you provide, the better I can help you)

What are your biggest challenges when it comes to your fitness and why do you feel you haven't achieved your goals on your own?

How would it positively impact your life if you were able to achieve your fitness goals in the next 6 months? (Please write more than a sentence)

Why is now the right time for you to take action and achieve this? Why not wait a few months or until next year?

Are you the main financial decision-maker? If not, please make sure to speak to your significant other BEFORE our call.


Are you looking to [insert goal] in [timeframe]

without [common sacrifice] using my [name of system]

Add additional text to emphasis point